Hate cold networking – borrow my script

Are you feeling uncertain about how to confidently approach and authentically connect with leaders and colleagues in your field for support? If this resonates with you, you're in the right place!

Remember, you are never too advanced in your career to develop new relationships and strengthen your network.

Start by pinpointing individuals with demonstrated qualities and expertise in your area of need.  Research them through podcast interviews, articles, features, or LinkedIn "About" sections. Look for mutual interests or connections, and consider what information they need about you to be effective in supporting you.

Next, decide how to connect with them, whether it's through an introduction, a career fair, professional associations, special interest groups, your discipline or industry’s conference, LinkedIn, Meetup, or Eventbrite. 

Growing leaders can't do it on their own.

Your success story begins with intentional connections and a commitment to building authentic relationships.  

To help you take that first step here is a sample script I offer my coaching clients to help them kickstart that conversation with a potential mentor or new colleague: 

"Dear [Name],

I have learned so much from your lectures/articles/work on _______ (their expertise). I would like your advice on _____________ (topic). I have a background in _______ (your field), and I am working toward ____________ (insert your relevant “big picture” goal). Would you be available in the coming weeks for a brief 20-min call to answer a few questions about __________ (be specific)?

If a call is not convenient, I can also email you my questions. Thank you.”

What new connection will you make using this script?


Unlock your executive presence (Part 2) 


“I like conflict”